Apex pharmacy here in Hamden is a drug store and surgical supply shop not far from where I live. I was there a couple of days ago to pick up some medicine and noticed they had greatly expanded their display of lift recliners. These are the type of recliners that will aid in lifting you up onto your feet. They must have had close to a dozen of them lined up at the front of the store. I am tempted to get one to reduce even further the strain of getting out of a recliner. I think recliners might even be better than a bed for the purpose of relaxation and meditation. A comfortable recliner bends you just slightly in the right places for the ultimate relaxation of muscles and joints. It also needs to give good support and nicely cradle the body in a totally comfortable position, a position in which to indulge in the relaxation response. While at the drug store I told one of the pharmacists that one of my ambitions has always been to be a recliner salesman. You have to believe in what you sell. I probably could have gotten a job then and there as their recliner salesman or even better as just a part of their display. Allan